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  • qora.team shared vrontis post
    Nov 22, 2015 3:40:08 AM

    Version 0.24.0 Release

    The v0.24.0 release includes the following updates:

    • Faster implementation of Base58

    • Added support for all languages based on UTF-8 for Qora web

    • Multilanguage support in blog for #hashtags and @mentions

    • Revision of Asset Exchange

    • Block Explorer optimization (boost is not needed)

    • Block Explorer transactions filter

    • API for messaging service

    • API for assets (limited)

    • Revision Control System Upgrade

    • Delete owned unconfirmed transactions that has not been propagated into the network

    • Improvement for logging system

    • Updated third-party libraries

    • Minor optimizations and bug fixes

    Download Qora_v0.24.0.zip : http://git.io/v4hoj
    Virus Total : https://goo.gl/C1paUT
    MD5 : 61c79eea8518fd37040aacfc619343df
    SHA1 : 351737d1c0a9caf70b56d15aba5d49132ea29ad9
    SHA256 : 849309226719f39a58b8ab395062c557f91a6655f7165b4e012ec5f6532d7bf2

    Download Qora-v0.24.0.exe : http://git.io/v4jGi
    Virus Total : https://goo.gl/SpjYCk
    MD5 : 7f926ad365bc0305af05e680a293e8a5
    SHA1 : e8aef6215c0e9fffcf078153d4c0b17310cb9e49
    SHA256 : dcca63e9794346e6b92e53b5a9dc1570fae1c7acff4af2ee2f3b0c20a68e7c93

  • qora.team shared skerberus post
    Aug 29, 2015 6:06:48 AM

    Development Updates

    Some development updates:

    The last days we've added the following, which will be also part of the next version:

    Namestorage enhancements:
    -Dedicated website to see the namestorage history.
    This page allows you to see all the changes done by a given name ordered by date.

    Social Network enhancements:
    -Hashtag support
    You will be able to place hashtags like e.g. #qora in your posts and will have the ability to get all posts with a given hashtag.
    -Deletion of posts
    You will be able to delete your own posts or posts that have been placed in blogs that you own.

    Keep in mind that this is a community project, although we have many ideas to enhance things even more we also would like to have suggestions and feedback by everyone out there:
    What is missing e.g. regarding social network?
    What do you guys want to see in the next version.
    Any feedback would help a lot!

  • qora.team shared skerberus post
    Aug 8, 2015 7:03:42 AM

    Development Updates

    the following is already done in will be in the next version:
    -possibility to get a unique link for a blogpost, this way you can give someone the link and it will show your post
    -added preview for websites
    the name says it all, this allows you to check if your qora website is good looking before posting it to blockchain

    -added possibility to have more than one website per name! With the new version you can store your website under any key.
    Suppose you already have the website qoranightsky which can be found with running wallet here (or for people without wallet here http://qora.co.in:9090/qoranightsky)
    (This website is stored in namestorage of the name qoranightsky under key "website", for the guys who like technical details)
    Now you can make e.g. a page under the key "about" and add that to the blockchain, then that page can be found here (or http://qora.co.in:9090/qoranightsky/about).
    The main website will stay qoranightsky of course, but now you can also link from your page to the new about page e.g.

    -added possibility to have more interactive websites
    In the next version you will have easy access to blockchain information and will also have access to information regarding the visitor and can therefore make interactive personalized websites:
    Some examples how this works! If you add this to your page it will display the qoranightsky website! {{namestoragemap.getOpt("qoranightsky","website")}}
    Of course you can use any name and any key here.
    (Technical Details: You read from the namestorage of qoranightsky the key website)
    You can also have personalized message for visitors: Hi, {{activeProfile.getName().getName()}}
    There are plenty of other things you can access like the names of the current wallet, AT information....
    To show you how powerful this is I also created a Send Money webpanel (fully decentralized in qora web), that fully works and can be added to every name! Once v23 is out I will publish it here.
    For people who want to create interactive websites here is the framework that is used and will help you understand how you can enhance everything http://www.mitchellbosecke.com/pebble/home)

    -added gui possibility to make large updates to websites (to be more precise to any key)
    The current gui only allowed to make small websites (3000 chars), the core already has more abilities and that is why we will activate an easy way to create bigger websites. If a website does not fit in one arbitrary transaction it will automatically create more than one! This is transparent for the user, so you create a large website and will just see the api call and the amount of qora you need to pay and it will create all txs for you.

    -added possibility to edit any key in websitebuilder
    At the moment you only edit the key website when you deploy a website. The websitebuilder will now allow to change any key from namestorage. This is currently under work, maybe there will be another

  • qora.team shared QRANpSQG9uY5fVrfFXYdS6FsTEgQ6upHgY post
    Jul 20, 2015 3:21:17 PM