Red Dot Design Museum
23 May 2023 : The place that evokes nostalgia from my children's childhood. 勾起回憶的地方。
玩 Triffic App 尋寶
19 May 2023
The Triffic App is available on Apple iOS and Android. It is a treasure-hunting game similar to Pokemon Go, where you walk around searching for balloons on the map. Points are calculated using GPS Tokens. Once you accumulate 10,000 GPS, these tokens can be transferred to the Ardor-GPS blockchain through the app. GPS serves as a child chain of the Ardor blockchain. On the Ardor-GPS blockchain, there is a decentralized exchange (DEX) where GPS can be exchanged for Ardor and Ignis tokens. GPS doesn't necessarily need to be listed on centralized exchanges. By obtaining Ardor or Ignis through the DEX, you can exchange them for Bitcoin or USD Tokens on certain exchanges.
I personally tested the Triffic App and successfully transferred GPS from the app to the Ardor blockchain. The process took several days and was manually handled by the Triffic team. During the process of the GPS child chain being created on the Ardor blockchain, I held some Ignis and received an airdrop on January 16, 2023, which amounted to 10,406.15 GPS. The DEV team has delivered on all their promises. I will continue to monitor the development of the Triffic App and occasionally play the treasure-hunting game to show my support.
Triffic App 在蘋果 iOS 和 Android,是一個類似 Pokemon Go 的尋寶游戲,在街上走走尋找地圖上的氣球,積分以 GPS Token 計,纍計到 10,000GPS 可以通過 App 轉到 Ardor-GPS 區塊鏈上,GPS 是 Ardor 的一個
child chain,在 Ardor-GPS 區塊鏈上有 GPS 兌換 Ardor 和 Ignis 的 DEX,GPS 不一定要在中央制交易所上市,通過 DEX 取得 Ardor 或 Ignis,就可以在一些交易所兌換成比特幣或 USD Token。
我親自測試 Triffic App,做過一次 GPS 從 App 轉到 Ardor 區塊鏈,需要幾天時間,Triffic 官方手動式處理。
另外,我本身在 GPS child chain 上鏈過程中,在 Ardor 區塊鏈上存 Ignis 有取得 Airdrop,2023年1月16日 收到 10,406.15GPS,DEV 一切承諾都有兑現,我繼續觀察 Triffic App 發展,偶爾玩玩尋寶游戲以行動支持。
Maxwell Food Centre 午餐吃飽一點
9 May 2023 #b1
The Somerset fried rice, which costs S$3.50, is actually filling enough. I usually pay S$4 for a larger portion to feel more satisfied. For lunch, I often share a table with strangers and pair my meal with a cup of black coffee.
Somerset 炒飯,S$3.50 其實已經夠飽,我向來只點S$4的分量,吃飽一點。午餐我一個人經常跟陌生人同桌,配一杯黑咖啡。
Bye bye 8 Shenton Way 見證拆樓
8 May 2023
Today, while passing by 8 Shenton Way, I saw this circular high-rise building being demolished. I was moved and took a photo with my phone, bearing witness to the history of this area.
In the photo, the building on the left is the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the central bank responsible for issuing the country's currency. The tall building in the middle is Springleaf Tower, and the McDonald's restaurant downstairs is a good place for me to rest. On the right is International Plaza, my base of operations, and my IT workstation is on the third floor. Next to International Plaza, underground is the Tanjong Pagar MRT station, with a shopping mall called Xchange inside. Before moving to International Plaza, I had a shop in the Xchange for six years.
When I first came to Tanjang Pagar to do IT retail business at the Xchange, 8 Shenton Way was called Temasek Tower, tt was later renamed 8 Shenton Way and then renamed again as AXA Tower.
I often went up and down in this building, and many of my clients' offices were located there. Famous technology company Redhat and e-commerce company Lazada have also set up regional headquarters there.
After it is demolished, the tallest building in the country will be built. I don't want to say much about it, as the old must make way for the new, but it's not that simple. Personally, I think the original building's design was first-rate, and over the years, it had become a landmark building. It shouldn't have been demolished.
Being in this area, several tall buildings nearby have been demolished for rebuilding, which has caused inconvenience and detracted from the unique character of the previously stable cityscape. I hope this is the last building to be demolished for rebuilding. At the end of Anson Road is the already removed Tanjong Pagar Port, leaving behind a large empty space, the development project should be shifted there.
今天路過 8 Shenton Way,眼看這圓形高樓建築將要完全拆除,一時有感拿起手機拍一張照片,見證這一區的歷史。
照片中,左邊粉紅色大廈是新加坡金融管理局,發行島國貨幣的央行地位。中間的高樓是 Springleaf Tower,樓下
就是丹戎巴葛地鐵站,站内有個商場叫 Xchange ,搬到凱聯大廈前我在 Xchange 開了6年小店。
我剛剛來到這裏開小店時,8 Shenton Way 是叫 Temasek Tower,後來改成 8 Shenton Way,然後再被冠名變成
AXA Tower。
這棟大廈我經常上上下下,相當多客戶的辦公樓在裏頭,著名科技公司 Redhat 和電商 Lazada 曾經在這裏設立區域大本營。
View of 49th Floor 49樓看見埔萊山
8 May 2023
A decade ago, I lived on the 49th floor of the International Plaza for almost two years. When the air was very fresh on clear days, the visibility was very far. In this cropped photo, you can see the Gunung Pulai mountain in Malaysia in the distance, just behind Singapore's highest point, Bukit Timah. This photo has been written into the Qora blockchain.
多年前,我曾經住在高高在上的 49 樓近兩年,空氣非常清新時能見度非常遠,這一張可以看到遠在天邊的馬來西亞古來埔萊山,剛好在新加坡最高點武吉知馬後面。這是原照片經過縮小數據處理然後寫入旮旯區塊鏈。
A Rock on Changi Beach 樟宜海邊奇石
8 May 2023
At the western end of Changi Beach in Singapore, there is a large rock that looks like a loaf of bread. If you walk west along the beach from Changi Village and pass through various recreational facilities, the beach eventually ends at the rock. This image has also been written into the Qora blockchain, and the data has been reduced in size to save blockchain resources. The image is recorded in block 409288 of the Qora blockchain.
For ideal decentralized storage space, large digital data such as videos, audios, and photos are better suited for storage in IPFS, Sia storage, and other decentralized storage spaces that are specifically designed for large storage. The resources for storing blocks in any blockchain are precious, so it is necessary to consider carefully before storing data in a blockchain. Writing photo data into the Qora blockchain is relatively easy, but there are limitations due to limited resources, and reducing the size of the data is necessary. Only meaningful photos are considered for writing into the blockchain.
The videos on this website are definitely imported from a decentralized storage space, usually IPFS. Photos will mainly be stored on IPFS, while the Qora blockchain is mostly used only for writing pure text data.
新加坡樟宜海邊盡頭的一大塊奇石,從樟宜尾村海邊往左走,經過一間又一間度假消遣設施後,海邊沒路走就是盡頭。這圖像也已經被寫入旮旯區塊鏈,縮小數據是爲了節省區塊鏈資源,圖像寫入記錄在旮旯 block
理想的分散式儲存空間,影片,音頻和照片數碼數據比較適合儲存在專門設計來做儲存的 IPFS, Sia storage 等等等分散式儲存空間,任何正在運作的區塊鏈的 block 儲存資源都是很珍貴的,在旮旯區塊鏈寫入照片數據是相當簡易的事,資源有限因此有所限制,縮小是必要,非常有意義的照片我才會考慮寫入區塊鏈。
本網頁的影片一定是從分散式儲存空間導入,一般上就是 IPFS,而未來的照片主要也會用上 IPFS,區塊鏈只是純文字數據寫入。